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Igor	Farafonow

Igor Farafonow

Igor Farafonow

“UX Competency Map”

I would like to share with you some insights from my latest strategic business challenge. This challenge regards scaling up Digital Product Design competences inside the corp.

Throughout the past few years this case was on top of my priority list.

From one side, it’s important to scale the quality of outputs of our work, in terms of both: UX Consulting, UX Research, UX Design, Art Design, IT and Development cooperation. So our role is to bring the best practices in terms of specific activities.

From the other side the key is flexibility – knowing that we can cope with various business cases: from ecommerce sales optimization throughout the UX, up to advising startups on their design & development circle, to creating assumptions and definitions for big brands in how to create great value. In these terms our role is to be water – understand, how to reach specific business goal in specific environmental context.

The third perspective refers to specific branch and category. We work with various companies: banks, telecoms, startups, corporates, ecommerce, governments. We need to know the specifics of those branches and bring also value in terms of quick branch adaptation.

Mixing those three perspective brought us to conclusions in terms of the competency mix required for UX/Product guys to develop. Having them synthetized and mixed gives us better competency allocation for specific parts of the product – which helps us to be more effective in terms of our work. This way we can also better understand, who we lack in team, and know better, who to hire at which moment of our development. We also know better how to evaluate the existing team members and help them plan their growth.

So basically this challenge, I think that already mostly overcomed by Uxeria, is the topic of my speech during the upcoming Product Camp conference. I think it might help both UX and product designer in better understanding their role in organizations, but also Senior and Head of product teams, who need to plan and allocate people to bring the best business value out of their teams. It might also help business to better understand, when and how UX can be effectively used in their creation and optimization processes.

CEO of Uxeria.com, leading UX design and research Polish company. Throughout the past 13 years involved in number of successful projects and failures in digital business.

Known conference speaker (UX Poland, UX Camp Berlin, World Usabiltiy Day, Forum IAB, Mobile Trends and many more), acceleration programs mentor (Google Launchpad, Huge Thing, GovTech and more), guest of podcasts (nietylko.design, Apploads), quoted by media (Puls Biznesu, Media&Marketing, Interaktywnie and more).

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