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Marzena Cygan-Bakoniak

Marzena Cygan-Bakoniak
Senior Business Analyst

Marzena Cygan-Bakoniak

“Business process improvements in digital transformation on examples”

Product discovery phase for organisations in digital transformation provide great opportunity to improve business processes. Outdated, complex systems, users overwhelmed by lot of manual work and bypassed current solution – how to take this chance with benefits for organization during pandemic situation – approach, techniques, examples.

I have always been focused on my mission, on how my talents could serve humanity. In the VUCA world, I have found IT services that have impacted people’s lives enormously. I enjoy creating, discovering big ideas and digging them, translating into more technical language. And then see them ‘materialized’, serving us in a process of creation of a better world day by day.
Today, I realize it as a Senior Business Analyst at Future Processing, supporting the creation of successful digital products.

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