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Oleh Shulimov

Oleh Shulimov
Senior Product Owner
Lufthansa Systems

Oleh Shulimov

“How the OKRs framework helped my product team to achieve strategic alignment in a complex product owner hierarchy”

“I’ll explain how I make sure that increments of a product I am accountable for execute a top-level product strategy.”

Oleh works as a Senior Product Owner at Lufthansa Systems. He contributes to success of all aviation weather-related solutions at Lufthansa Systems, and leads two international Scrum product teams. Oleh helps to fulfil needs of 80+ airlines including Amazon Air, UPS, Qatar Airways, Emirates, Air France, Ryanair, Singapore Airlines, and other giants. For two years, Oleh has been fostering a culture of focusing on setting and achieving measurable outcome-based quarterly and sprint goals.

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